The Sociology of Development : International Library of Sociology - Various Authors

The Sociology of Development

By: Various Authors

Multi-Item Pack | 29 January 1998

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The social, political and economic impact of the decline of the old colonial powers in Africa, India and the Middle East are still key areas of scholarly research and debate. Based on careful social observation and empirical research, these titles explore the tension between agriculture and industry in developing economies, and trace the complex political process of independence. Aimed at administrators and academics, these studies are central to Development Studies, and also present the work of renowned anthropologists such as Raymond Firth. Volumes in this set are: Caste and Kinship in Central India, Adrian C. Mayer (1960) 0-415-17567-4:Economics of Development in Village India, M.R. Haswell (1967) 0-415-17568-2: pp:Education and Social Change in Ghana, Philip Foster (1965) 0-415-17569-0:Growing up in an Egyptian Village, Hamed Ammar (1954) 0-415-17570-4:India's Changing Villages, S.C. Dube (1958) 0-415-17571-2:Indian Village, S.C. Dube (1955) 0-415-17572-0:Malay Fishermen, Raymond Firth (1946) 0-415-17574-7: .0 0 Mende of Sierra Leone, Kenneth Little (1951) 0-415-17575-5:The Negro Family in British Guiana, Raymond T. Smith (1956) 0-415-17576-3:Peasants in the Pacific, Adrian C. Mayer (1961) 0-415-17577-1:Population and Society in the Arab East, Gabriel Baer (1964) 0-415-17578-X:The Revolution in Anthropology, I.C. Jarvie (1964) 0-415-17579-8:Settlement Schemes in Tropical Africa, Robert Chambers (1969) 0-415-17580-1:Shivapur: A South Indian Village, K. Ishwaran (1968) 0-415-17581-X:Social Control in an African Society, P.H.Gulliver (1963) 0-415-17582-8:State and Economics in the Middle East, Alfred Bonne (1948) 0-415-17583-6:Tradition and Economy in Village India, K. Ishwaran (1966) 0-415-17584-4:Transformation Scene, Ian Hogbin (1951) 0-415-17585-2: .00

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