The Sports Medicine Bible : Prevent, Detect, and Treat Your Sports Injuries Through the Latest Medical Techniques - Lyle J Micheli

The Sports Medicine Bible

Prevent, Detect, and Treat Your Sports Injuries Through the Latest Medical Techniques

By: Lyle J Micheli

Paperback | 15 April 1995

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Out of the lifestyle revlutiion of the past quarter century has emerged a new kindof recreational athlete, oen more likely to pursue a physical activity that brings health benefits than to tackle a traditional "rough-and-tumble" sport. As a result, "overuse" or "chronic" injuries, such as "runner's knee" and "swimmer's shoulder," are increasingly replacing sprains, strains, and breaks as the badge of the weekend Warrior.The sports medicine profession has responded to the rise in overuse injuries by placing greater emphasis on injury prevention, developing new diagnostic and treatment techniques, and promoting rehabilitation as an aid to full recovery. This is what Dr. Lyle J. Micheli, one of the nation's foremost sports medicine authorities, calls the "new sports medicine."In "The Sports Medicine Bible, " Dr. Micheli responds to the need for more and better answers to the questions posed by recreational athletes desperate for sound medical advice that will help them return to their physical regimens as quickly as possible. He emphasizes strength and flexibility as the keys to injury prevention, encourages early motion rather than immobilization during the rehabilitation process, and recommends other proven techniques that are replacing the sports medicine techniques of past generations.This book covers the whole spectrum of sports medicine, including special sections on nutrition, female-specific sports injuries, exercise and the elderly, structuring a workout, flexibility and strength, clothing and footwear, and proper equipment. Separate chapters examine causes and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the foot; ankle; lower leg; knee; thigh; hip, pelvis, and groin; back; shoulder; elbow; wrist; hand and finger; head and neck; and skin.By following the guidance and guidelines embodied in "The Sports Medicine Bible, " the recreational athlete can heighten his or her fitness experience, while learning the most modern techniques for effectively managing sports injuries. Written in clear, straightforward language with hundreds of illustrations, The Sports Medicine Bible is destined to become an essential piece of equipment in every athlete's gym bag.

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