The Square-Peg Leader Delusion : The Art of Building and Leading Bulletproof Teams - Maria Aguirre

The Square-Peg Leader Delusion

The Art of Building and Leading Bulletproof Teams

By: Maria Aguirre

Paperback | 18 September 2022

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Leadership offers us the platform to build successful and fulfilling careers using our business skills to serve others, while creating profitability. Yet, in order to reach our full potential, leadership must be first and foremost approached as an inside job ... we build ourselves before we are equipped to build others.

The Square-Peg Leader Delusion navigates the intricate art of leadership, team-building and effective communication, emphasizing the difference between the role of a manager and the role of a leader. It takes readers through the different aspects of developing first our self-leadership, and subsequently the skill-set needed to lead others well; while building, optimizing and scaling a successful operation.

A square and a circle, despite both being geometrical figures, don't naturally fit together; in the same way, a leader and a team, despite being from the same industry or even working for the same company, won't automatically be a good fit for each other... many other factors come into play.

Team-building is in essence relationship building. A leader and his or her team share more than just common KPIs and objectives. They build together, grow together and eventually, succeed together. Using a leadership role for the sake of reaching the next step on the corporate ladder is a disservice to both the team and its leader. Meaningful leadership requires commitment and personal investment and it's a delusion to think that any leader is suited to lead any team.

The author shares her own life and work experiences as a way to provide readers with a practical application of the concepts and ideas shared throughout the book and keeps a lighthearted tone that makes this book an easy, yet insightful read.

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