The Story-Takers : Public Pedagogy, Transitional Justice, and Italy's Non-Violent Protest against the Mafia - Paula Salvio

The Story-Takers

Public Pedagogy, Transitional Justice, and Italy's Non-Violent Protest against the Mafia

By: Paula Salvio

Paperback | 6 January 2017

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The Story-Takers charts new territory in public pedagogy through an exploration of the multiple forms of communal protests against the mafia in Sicily. Writing at the rich juncture of cultural, feminist, and psychoanalytic theories, Paula M. Salvio draws on visual and textual representations including shrines to those murdered by the mafia, photographs, and literary and cinematic narratives, to explore how trauma and mourning inspire solidarity and a quest for justice among educators, activists, artists, and journalists living and working in Italy.

Salvio reveals how the anti-mafia movement is being brought out from behind the curtains, with educators leading the charge. She critically analyses six cases of communal acts of anti-mafia solidarity and argues that transitional justice requires radical approaches to pedagogy that are best informed by journalists, educators, and activists working to remember, not only victims of trauma, but those who resist trauma and violence.

Industry Reviews

The Story-Takers is a remarkably important piece of work that will significantly impact the fields of transitional justice and memory -studies, helping to underscore the important work of public pedagogy and symbolic repair in traumatized societies. As such, it requires the sophistication, eloquent, and nuanced writing style, and international reputation that this author brings to the subject.

- Mario Di Paolantonio, Faculty of Education, York University

The Story-Takers represents a ground-breaking contribution to mafia studies. Paula M. Salvio combines astute analyses of unconventional texts with a lively and engaging prose that will undoubtedly appeal to scholars and students interested in the fields of mafia studies, criminal justice studies, and new media. Her knowledge and incorporation of works engaging with public pedagogy and transitional justice is superb.

- Dana Renga, Department of French and Italian, The Ohio State University

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