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The Sun : Royal Observatory Greenwich Illuminates - Brendan Owens

The Sun

By: Brendan Owens, Royal Observatory Greenwich

Paperback | 23 February 2022

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An enthralling exploration of the star on our doorstep, charting the journey from ancient superstition to the deep scientific mysteries yet to be resolved. The Sun examines how we've come to understand the features and processes at work in our star, starting with the earliest observations of mysterious sunspots and ending with the rich and complex investigation of the connected Sun-Earth system. It reveals the interconnected sciences involved in finding out more about the Sun and the practical importance of doing so for our modern world. It's a slow-burn tale of scientific discovery!

About the Author

Brendan Owens is a passionate science communicator with a keen interest in and knowledge of astronomy and physics. Currently Astronomer Emeritus for the Royal Observatory Greenwich and Open Science Coordinator at Science Gallery in Trinity College Dublin, Brendan prides himself on weaving fascinating stories to share his passion for science with school and public audiences alike.