The Teach Yourself Confidence Workbook : Teach Yourself - Adrian Tannock

The Teach Yourself Confidence Workbook

By: Adrian Tannock

Paperback | 28 January 2012 | Edition Number 1

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An engaging and active method which empowers you to take steps to become more confident in any situation.

Do you want to have the confidence to talk to anyone in any situation Or to stand out from the crowd at work or when you're interviewed?

This new Teach Yourself Workbook doesn't just tell you how to be confident. It accompanies you every step of the way, with diagnostic tools, goal-setting charts, practical exercises, and many more features ideal for people who want a more active style of learning. The book starts by helping you identify the factors currently constraining your confidence, and their causes. It then helps you set specific goals to improve on; as you progress through the book, you will be able to keep checking your progress against these goals. Specially created exercises, using the tools of NLP, hypnotherapy and cognitive psychology, will help you to boost your confidence so that you can reach your potential in any situation.

About the Author

Adrian Tannock (Manchester, England) is a qualified NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist, who has helped thousands of people to develop their confidence.

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