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The Ukulele Club Songbook

The Ukulele Club Songbook

Spiral Ringed Book | 11 January 2012

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250+ Songs! Created by and for Ukulele Clubs. Expertly arranged by Robert Weule, the Music Director and Band Leader of The Blue Mountains Ukulele Club. Extensively workshopped by The Blue Mountains Ukulele Club and a number of other Ukulele Clubs. Arranged in a variety of uke friendly keys. Even beginning players will be playing like experts in no time. Perfect for groups and individual players. Contains a chord chart at the back of the book. Each song is presented together with chord diagrams of each chord which appears in the song. The chord names are written in line with the lyrics, which is particularly helpful for beginners and groups as it is clear when chord changes are to be made. Every song has been written in full on 1-2 pages so you will never need to turn a page mid-song. The font is large and easy to read and the chord names are bolded for added readability. Contains many Australian and New Zealand songs.


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