The Unholy Bible - Rev Cain

The Unholy Bible

By: Rev Cain

Paperback | 12 May 2019

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An Etsy best-seller and acclaimed by thousands of practitioners in more than 160 countries, this book has solidified its place within the occult community.

"This bible was created for those that wander the darker avenues of faith - demonologists, occultists, witches, warlocks, Satanists, and further. We don't believe there exists a one-size-fits-all approach to the Left-Hand Path, and the structuring of the Unholy Bible reflects this." - Unholy Bible, Introduction

Within this bible, you will read about the five Infernal Tenets and Satanic Vices; grand celebrations and Satanic holidays; how to construct and use altars; how, when, and why to perform rituals; the nature of devils and how to summon them; alchemy, precognition, consciousness, and other occult practices; how to renounce prior religious oaths and indoctrinations, and further.

All of this is just the beginning of what the Unholy Bible may offer the Left-Hand Path practitioner.

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