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The Village - Matt Purbrick

The Village

By: Matt Purbrick, Lentil Purbrick

Paperback | 28 August 2018

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Growing, pickling, preserving, cooking and eating food is a joyful experience. But what makes it even better is sharing the food we have grown and cooked with the people in our village. It's the sharing that brings meaning.

In The Village, Matt and Lentil from Grown & Gathered focus on the life-giving value of cooking and eating with your village - whether made up of family or friends. Wholesome staples, like Kombucha and Sourdough flatbreads. Pickles and preserves, like Pear, lemon and chilli jam and Zucchini pickles. Delicious meals including Honey onion, buckwheat and lentil salad, Nonna's leek and spinach fritters, and Pan-fried gnocchi, pea and ricotta salad. Desserts like Baked plums, sage and warm cheese, and Raw chocolate and espresso bowls.

A comprehensive chapter with practical advice on setting up a natural garden to feed your village will help you get the basics right: the importance of soil and sun, garden design, planting guides and projects, and natural pest control.

The Village is about nurturing and being nurtured, by growing, cooking and eating together - whether it's dropping a loaf of bread around to a neighbour, or spending an afternoon making a big batch of pickles with your mates. It is about food, but beyond food. It is for everyone who wants to embrace the fullness of life in all its mess, for everyone who wants to connect. Because we all deserve it.

About the Authors

Matt and Lentil began by selling the produce from their farm in Tahbilk, Victoria, to some of Melbourne's top restaurants, encouraging chefs to adopt principles of local, real produce and sustainable farming and packaging. But they craved more. They wanted to extend the conversation. They decided to open their van doors to the people of Melbourne, selling their home-grown vegetables and trading flowers from the back of it. They soon sold out week after week and their education became something sought after. They now live in Guildford, Victoria, and are authors, educators, bloggers, and advocates for sustainability and a bright future! The Village is their second book.

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