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The Woman Who Stole The World : The Man Who Corrupted Heaven Trilogy - Andrew Hood

The Woman Who Stole The World

By: Andrew Hood

Hardcover | 25 October 2022

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Who was the enigmatic Susan Mitchell?

What happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars she stole from the investors who flocked to her innovative investment fund?

At the height of her success but with major questions being asked, Susan Mitchell disappeared without a trace along with all the money that her customers had invested.

This documentary will investigate the company that she took over and the innovative fund she developed. It will further delve into the mysterious background of Susan Mitchell by talking to those that knew her best.

We will try to understand where she came from, who she was working with and exactly how she could disappear off the face of the earth with all that money?

Join me, Stephen Grace, as we go on the search for the elusive Susan Mitchell - The Woman Who Stole the World.

The Woman Who Stole the World is the 3rd and final instalment of The Man Who Corrupted Heaven Trilogy.

It is a completely self-contained fictional work written in the style of a True Crime Podcast.

"A clever and stylish modern thriller by an amazingly talented and expressive author who engages you and carries you across his incredible imagination and plot with ease..." Dermot, Indiebook Reviewer

Industry Reviews

"A clever and stylish modern thriller by an amazingly talented and expressive author who engages you and carries you across his incredible imagination and plot with ease..." Dermot, Indie Book reviewer 

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