The Wonder Down Under : A User's Guide to the Vagina - Nina Brochmann

The Wonder Down Under

A User's Guide to the Vagina

By: Nina Brochmann, Ellen Stokken Dahl, Lucy Moffatt (Translator)

Paperback | 27 February 2018 | Edition Number 1

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You might have thought you knew your own genitals? Think again!

The Wonder Down Under explains everything you ever wanted to know about the vagina but didn't dare ask. Learn the truth about the clitoris' inner life, the menstrual hormone dance and whether the vaginal orgasm really exists. The book helps you understand how different types of contraception work in the body, what a "normal" vulva looks like and how wearing socks can change your sex life.

Medical students and sex educators Nina Brochmann and Ellen Stokken Dahl draw on their medical expertise to bring vagina enlightenment to the world. Their no-nonsense approach, written with great humour, makes this a must-read for women (and men!) of all ages.

Say goodbye to the myths and misconceptions surrounding female anatomy, this is a timely and empowering book that will inspire women to make informed choices about their sexual health.

About the Author

Nina Brochmann and Ellen Stokken Dahl are Oslo-based medical students who have, for several years, worked as educators in sexual health advising young people and minority groups. In 2015 they started the blog The Genital Area, with the aim of dispelling myths around female sexual health.
Industry Reviews
Vagina owners of all ages are bound to find new information here. Some of it will be surprising, some reassuring, and a lot of it will be useful. - Sunday Territorian

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