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The Worldview of Herman Grimm : In Relation to Spiritual Science - Petter Stebbing

The Worldview of Herman Grimm

In Relation to Spiritual Science

By: Petter Stebbing (Translator), James D. Stewart (Editor), Rudolf Steiner

Paperback | 4 November 2019

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In content, this translation into English of Rudolf Steiner's lecture on the art historian, author and researcher Herman Grimm, can be said to be a paean to Grimm's wholly original and unorthodox approach to art history. Herman Grimm's work differs substantially from standard, more intellectual approaches, as becomes evident from this statement of Herman Grimm quoted here: "Raphael is a citizen of world-history. He is like one of the four rivers that, according to the belief of the ancient world, flowed out of Paradise.

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