Think Kingdom. Be Family. - Mark Jacob Cote

Think Kingdom. Be Family.

By: Mark Jacob Cote

Paperback | 26 March 2014

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Missional Family Wholeness, Characteristics, and Mobilization The Think Kingdom-Be Family Initiative (TKBF) is a biblically-grounded, research-based, and relationally-delivered discipleship approach to identify the elements that characterize missional families and to effectively mobilize them. Many families lack a corporate sense of mission. As a result, churches need to embrace the challenge of mobilizing families according to their collective identity and purpose in Christ and His mission. In the end, this qualitative research demonstrates that a new way of being and doing is possible through redemptive family wholeness, characteristics, and mobilization. Mark Jacob Cote, D.Min., is husband to Kristin, and dad to Caleb, Jacob, and Rachel. Mark and Kristin also have a daughter, Victoria Grace, with the Lord. Victoria's life and legacy is a testimony of God's victory by His grace through belonging to Him as His beautiful servant. As stewards of her testimony, Mark and his family rejoice in being God's children in His family and doing His work. Mark also serves as a pastor, teacher, administrator, leader, and coach. As a doctor of the church, Mark's heart is to equip leaders of the "least of these" for the glory of God."

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