Tidewater Virginia Families: A Magazine of History and Genealogy focuses on Tidewater counties lying north of the James River, namely, Caroline, Charles City, Elizabeth City, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, Warwick, Westmoreland, and York. Each volume is perfect bound and contains complete name indexes to the contents of all four issues. The volumes contain a variety of records such as: Bible records, lists of marriages, abstracts of deeds and wills, military records, tax records and tithables, guardianship records, parish registers, tombstone inscriptions, and methodological essays germane to the Tidewater region, including tracing Virginia ancestors, county and parish formation, records pertaining to "burned counties," vital statistics, map collections, and places of note.
This volume includes Walk the Land Your Ancestor Trod; More New Kent County Connections; Michael Talbot of Charles City County, Virginia; Civil Appointments, 1781-1798, King William County; Warwick County Court Records, 1683-1786; Legislative Petition of James Wright and His Wife Eve, York County, 1805; Henrico County Will Book 1, 1781-1787; Turner Family Bible, 1847-1875; King George County; Richard Dunn of King and Queen County, 1816; York Rendezvous; and Robert Armistead and Anne Smith Marriage Agreement, 1754; Rubble with a Cause, The Story of Menokin, Richmond County; More King and Queen County Connections (Land Patents Plotted); Civil Appointments, 1788-1792, James City County; Will of Thomas Edwards, 1857, Mathews County; Westmoreland County Land Tax Records, 1782; Armistead Family Bible, 1766-1849, Elizabeth City and York Counties; A List of Free Negroes and Mulattoes, 1833, King and Queen County; Will of William Langborn, 1821, King William County; An Archaeological Survey of a Golansville Cemetery; Golansville Society of Friends Meeting House Site, Reconnaissance-Level Archaeological Survey; Land Patents in St. Stephen's Parish, Part II; The Pollard Families of King William and King and Queen Counties; King George County Land Tax Records, 1787; The Will of William Langborn, 1821, King William County; Pay Roll of Persons at the State Magazine, 1788; Register of Free Blacks, 1810-1843; Essex County, Tidewater Folks, Lunenburg County, 1794-1816; To Be Sold: Land Tracts, 1788, Elizabeth City County; John Burruss, 1702, King William County; The Boswell-Hockaday Connection, James City and New Kent Counties; Will of William Gordon, 1720, Middlesex County; Untangling Some Obadiah and Luke Smiths, Henrico, Goochland and Halifax Counties; List of Clerks Fees, 1766, Northumberland County; Reward for Desertion, 1816, Hanover County; and more.