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Time to Lead : Lead the Way - Jacqueline L. Campbell

Time to Lead

Lead the Way

By: Jacqueline L. Campbell

Paperback | 10 December 2024

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Open the next chapter in your professional journey with this insightful book on attainable leadership success!

Time to Lead: Lead the Way contains simple intentions on the path to becoming a great leader, along with calming landscape photography to cultivate an appreciation for the power of time to shape your vision.

Jacqueline L. Campbell has dedicated over thirty years to understanding the art and science of leadership. She has worked as an education administrator as a principal and education director, and she currently serves as head of the Kinoshita Elementary School in San Juan Capistrano.

With her enormous breadth of experience, she has supported learners with an over 98 percent poverty level, populations of over 75 percent English Language Learners, as well as students who enter school with advanced literacy skills and live an affluent life. What's more, she has successfully helped schools navigate the COVID pandemic, helping her students achieve higher levels of academic, social, and emotional success.

Her insights speak to a powerful approach to leadership-one that rewards patience and consistency in the key principles you'll learn in this book, such as:

    • Spending your time with intention
    • Communicating with stakeholders
    • Knowing when to gather data and when to be decisive
    • Listening to your team

Above all, Campbell encourages readers to respect the flow of time and trust that the best solutions require both structure and intention. Time to Lead: Lead the Way is a stellar book for entrepreneurs, teachers, school administrators, and anyone wanting to grow in confidence in their professional journey.

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