"Refreshingly clear, admirably concise, and humbly confident, Andrew Kirk's robust biblical response to secular accounts of the origins and meaning of life and how to live it well is a brilliant example of the adage that if you want to explain something simply, you need to understand it profoundly. Importantly, despite the book's brevity, Andrew Kirk takes great care to represent rival explanations fairly and to avoid caricature. As such, this is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to understand for themselves, and explain to others, why and how Christianity provides a uniquely rational, coherent and satisfying explanation of the meaning of human existence. At the same time, Kirk's encour agement is not just to tell the truth but to demonstrate it through lives that have been and are being transformed by the grace of the creator redeemer God who has provided his Son to enable human beings to live in the freedom and fullness they yearn for. Highly recommended." - Mark Greene, Mission Champion, Executive Director L ICC
"In the midst of a cultural and political war on truth and pervasive moral relativism, Andrew Kirk's clear exposure of the explanatory inadequacy and incoherence of atheist and humani st views will be a most helpful resource for those who still have opportunities to argue for the truth and power of the biblical Christian worldview. Kirk is equally clear, however, that such truth not only shapes our thinking but must also transform our living." - Revd Dr Christopher J. H. Wright, Langham Partnership Author of The God I Don't Understand
"This is an excellent introduction to Christian apologetics, providing an accessible overview of the great themes of the nature of truth, purpose, human identity, and the reality of good and evil. Here is a winsome commendation of Christian theism combined with an insightful exposure of the emptiness of modern secularism, all earthed in a call for Christian living which demonstrates the reconciling power of the gospel. Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection which will be especially appreciated by those using this study [book] for group study." - Revd Canon Charles Raven, GAFCON
"This book is a cogent, bare hands approach to issues raised by western secular societies sceptical of the truth claims of the Christian faith. It is a compelling apologia for modern materialists who think that above us is only sky, and a virtual catechism for post-modern people baffled by the immensities of nature, the mystery of life and death, of who we are and what the world is about." - Melba Padilla Maggay, PhD President of the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC)
"A really helpful introduction to apologetics, this short book takes us carefully and logically through the big questions about truth, human value, good and evil, and how to live rightly in a broken world. Ethics is not just philosophy, but a wonderful opportunity to point people to our good, true and beautiful saviour, Jesus." - Dr Giles Cattermole, London Team Leader for UCCF: The Christian Unions and a Consultant in Emergency Medicine