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Too Flash - Melissa Lucashenko

Too Flash

By: Melissa Lucashenko

Paperback | 1 November 2002

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Bring problems to us before they're too big to handle, the Principal advises Zo when she arrives at her new city school. But good advice isn't much help to Zo. Her Mum's still a workaholic, and her best friend is still a thousand miles away, back home. Zo soon teams up with Missy. She's cheeky, smart, a mean soccer player and believes in magic. She comes from a tough family that doesn't take crap from anyone and it shows. She's all muscles and attitude like a cattle dog on the warpath. Zo is more laid back - having money makes for a bigger comfort zone, even if you are fat and black. A showdown can't be far away when Zo and Missy's worlds collide. It's not a racial issue - or is it? At school or clubbing or stomping the bush on Kulcha Kamp, the girls are on edgy ground. But in the darkness of night, each of them finds a special magic of her own...

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