Total Body Transformation Journal - Michelle Bridges

Total Body Transformation Journal

By: Michelle Bridges

Hardcover | 19 November 2014

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A hardback journal where you can chart your personal weight loss and fitness journey to a new you, based on Michelle's 12-week program in Total Body Transformations.

About the Author

Michelle Bridges has worked in the health and fitness industry for over twenty years as a professional trainer and group fitness instructor. Her key role in Network Ten's hit series The Biggest Loser combined with her highly successful online exercise and mindset program, the 12 Week Body Transformation, has connected her with hundreds of thousands of Australians, making her this country's most recognised and influential health and fitness expert. Her books – Crunch Time, Crunch Time Cookbook, Losing the Last 5 Kilos, 5 Minutes a Day, The No Excuses Cookbook, Everyday Weight Loss, Your Best Body, Get Real! and Superfoods Cookbook – are all bestsellers.

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