Industry Reviews
"Whether you're thinking ambitiously about your start-up or more holistically about what kind of leader you want to be to those around you, please all your stakeholders. Go for the four-way win." -- David Gardner, Motley Fool "Stewart Friedman in his book Total Leadership talks about this as 'four-way wins.' I think balance is almost impossible these days, but if you try to think of career, family, community, and self as four circles and try to overlap them, you will feel more productive." -- Julie Smolyansky, CEO of Lifeway "Students talk about Stewart D. Friedman, a management professor at the Wharton School, with a mixture of earnest admiration, gratitude and rock star adoration." -- The New York Times Dr. Stewart Friedman on "Time Bind" vs. Psychological Interference and More: "He is absolutely brilliant with micro-testing and fixing two largely unaddressed issues for type-A personalities: psychological interference and conflicting goals." -- The Blog of Tim Ferris Winner of the 2008 Best in Category -- Personal Development. -- CEO-Read "In his 2008 book Total Leadership, author Stewart Friedman does a memorable job debunking the concept of "work-life balance." I'm a sucker for iconoclastic writing that replaces threadbare thinking with new language and new frameworks, and to me, "work-life balance" was cruising for a bruising. Friedman gives it a nice offing." -- The Motley Fool "Highly innovative, pedagogical, and inspiring, the book combines the largely masculine field of leadership studies with the largely feminine field of work-life, rejuvenating both...Instead of taking the traditional work-life balance approach...Total Leadership taps the jazz metaphor...offering a concise and crystal clear history of the fields it builds upon, the book explains complex work-life concepts...Friedman gives useful tips. Suggesting a bold vision of leadership that encompasses all domains of is highly energizing and liberating. The books scholarly ambition also is inspiring" -- Human Resources Management, reviewed by Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, PhD "Total Leadership encourages readers to reflect on what matters in life and how they can achieve meaning in an increasingly busy world." -- Qantas The Australian Way "Total Leadership isn't your traditional business book. It isn't about foolproof sales techniques, how to get your dream job, or squeezing the most out of employees. The book is different because of its compelling message that it is possible to lead a richer life simply by assuming leadership of one's own life." -- Personnel Psychology "If you're looking to balance work and life, this easy-to-read, holistic guide to success in both areas is for you." -- Management Today "One word is noticeable by its absence: balance...The customised approach of Friedman's programme, and its focus upon interconnectivity, dispels this traditional viewpoint." -- Chief Executive Officer, A Life In Harmony "Friedman creates a simple and powerful "three-legged stool" structure in his book that would serve as a great road map for any leader or aspiring leader. The three legs are: authenticity, integrity and creativity...Friedman's view of total leadership is about an integrated and holistic systems view of the human leader. It's that simple, and that powerful. Friedman's book will be a valuable resource to anyone interested in initiating a self-dialogue about professional and personal values and, indeed, to anyone interested in becoming a better leader." -- Workspan ADVANCE PRAISE FOR TOTAL LEADERSHIP: "In a world of work-life trade-offs, Stew Friedman offers what most think impossible, a field-tested program that gives you not only what you want in business, but also what you want in life. Brilliant!" --Timothy Ferris, author, The 4-Hour Workweek, #1 New York Times bestseller "The best leaders are those who stay connected--to their communities, to the people they love, to themselves. In Stew Friedman's Total Leadership, you'll learn simple, powerful new ways to make these connections happen and enjoy the rich rewards that inevitably follow." --Keith Ferrazzi, CEO, Ferrazzi Greenlight, and coauthor, Never Eat Alone "Stew's class at Wharton transformed my development as a leader and Internet entrepreneur. This book and the exercises in it are equally powerful--I'm buying a copy for everyone in my company." --Brett A. Hurt, Founder and CEO, Bazaarvoice "Stew Friedman's framework is the most comprehensive and meaningful distillation of how to lead yourself and others that I have encountered. I use the precepts of Total Leadership in my daily life, and I'm better off for it." --Richard Smith, Chief of Staff to the CFO, Sears Holdings Corporation and former Army company commander and combat veteran In the future, being a leader will require ways to integrate work with rest of one's life, resulting in more effective leadership and a more fulfilling life. Total Leadership points the way. --Robert Reich, Professor, University of California at Berkeley, former US Secretary of Labor, and author, Supercapitalism Destined to be a classic, this is a remarkable book. I have studied leadership and led organizations for over twenty years. No other book has reshaped my thinking about leadership development as much as Total Leadership. --David A. Thomas, Dean, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, and author, Breaking Through: The Making of Minority Professionals in Corporate America With a refreshingly simple approach to winning the daily struggle between family bliss and career satisfaction, Stew Friedman outlines clear and innovative solutions for better managing the competing demands of our lives. Engaging and inspiring. --Anne Erni, Head of Leadership, Learning and Diversity at Bloomberg It is difficult to translate the dynamic process of learning into the pages of a book, but Stew Friedman has done it! When we become more intentional leaders, it benefits every facet of our lives: our work, our families, our community connections, and, at the deepest level, ourselves. --Ellen Galinsky, President, Families and Work Institute Total Leadership is so aligned with my thinking as an HR executive and medical director of a global business. With practical tools and compelling stories, Friedman demonstrates how to achieve four-way wins a distinctive, important new concept for today s leaders. --Dr. Robert W. Carr, Vice President and Corporate Medical Director, GlaxoSmithKline