Provide quality care for clients from culturally diverse backgrounds
Transcultural Nursing, 9th Edition shows you how to apply assessment and intervention strategies to individuals from a variety of different cultures. Based on Giger and Davidhizer's unique transcultural model, this text helps you deliver culturally sensitive care with use of the six key aspects of cultural assessment: communication, time, space, social organization, environmental control, and biologic variations. Practical, real-world coverage shows how an understanding of cultural variations and individual patient needs will help you promote safe and effective care
.- UPDATED Content throughout reflects the latest research and thinking related to transcultural nursing, as well as updated Census data.
- UPDATED Cultural chapters reflect the shifting experiences of cultural groups in our society.
- NEW Jamaican Americans chapter addresses the unique cultural and healthcare needs of this population.
- UNIQUE Individual chapters on the six key aspects of cultural assessment allow you to also apply the Transcultural Assessment Model to cultures not covered in the text.
- Twenty-four chapters on specific cultural groups apply this assessment model to the clients most commonly encountered in United States healthcare settings.
- Case studies and critical decision-making questions in each chapter help you apply the assessment framework in practice.
- Client care plans in culture-specific chapters demonstrate how to apply principles to specific client needs.
- Coverage includes information on biological differences among individuals of different racial groups; differences in drug interaction and metabolism specific to various ethnic groups; and clustering of certain pathologies in specific racial groups.
- Discussions of spirituality throughout the text present a holistic approach to culture and beliefs that provides a more integrated approach to assessment.
- Review questions in each chapter (with answers found in the back of the text) help reinforce knowledge.