After the catastrophe of 9/11, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, but the superpower with its powerful NATO allies left the war-torn country to a few thousand militants after fighting for two decades. Meanwhile, the U.S selected and backed Afghan leaders and warlords also betrayed their country and fellow citizens, which is the tragedy of the century. Why has nation-building in Afghanistan been so turbulent? What was the prevalent thing in the two wars in Afghanistan that resulted in both the same? What microtones-mistakes did Washington make in its longest war? And, who, when, how, and why did design the collapse of the Republic of Afghanistan?
In the documentary, Azad documented not only the secretes behind the collapse but also provided the critical aspects of the failed U.S. policies in Afghanistan. He identifies the fragile strategies, unstable political structures, regional and international powers' rivalry over geopolitics, regional connectivity, and economy in Afghanistan.
Najib Azad is one of the many Afghan evacuees who recently resettled in the United States. Azad is a well-known face to those following Afghanistan in the news: he was the spokesman for Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, the former Afghan president, and a senior political and legal advisor to NAMSA/NATO in Afghanistan. He has also been a political, legal, and social analyst, commentator, and expert for various news organizations, including VOA, BBC, Al-Jazeera, India Times, WION, DW, WION, Radio Liberty, and others. Azad holds a BBA, MBA, MA, and LL. B-LAW undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. He holds many formal qualifications and is the author of Beyond Evacuation. He has written hundreds of political, legal, cultural, and historical columns and articles.
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