"Craig has issued a thoughtful and carefully-argued verdict on a legendary and controversial case that influenced the course of American history. Treasonable Doubt is a fascinating book, illuminating the shadowy world of the complex Harry Dexter White case as it examines legal, political, and moral issues that still affect us today."--Michael Beschloss, PBS commentator and author of The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman, and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1941-1945
"Of all the New Deal officials caught up in the famous cold war spy cases, none was more significant, or elusive, than the brilliant economist Harry Dexter White. Craig's well-told account of White and the controversy surrounding him is by far the most thorough ever written, incorporating a wealth of new evidence long-buried in archives at home and abroad."--Sam Tanenhaus, author of Whittaker Chambers: A Biography
"Craig's lucid, fair-minded, and painstaking study of White as a dedicated New Deal internationalist who engaged in a 'species of espionage' in order to maintain good relations with the Soviet Union rings true. Thanks to his thoughtful analysis, we can at last understand why such a gifted public servant could become a spy."--Ellen Schrecker, author of Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America
"Craig's provocative and meticulously researched book could provide a model for understanding other spies of the era and is sure to enliven the debate about Cold War espionage."--Kathryn S. Olmsted, author of Red Spy Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth Bentley
"Exhaustively prepared, wholly fair and balanced in its analysis, and wholly right in its conclusions."--Michael Straight, author of Trial by Television: The Army-McCarthy Hearings
"Craig turns the complicated facts of White's life into a terrific story, partly a spy yarn with philosophical overtones a la Graham Greene or Joseph Conrad, partly a convincing evocation of the mentality Craig calls 'Rooseveltian internationalism.' . . .The book is a work of prodigious and meticulous scholarship. On the basis of this achievement, Craig deserves to be ranked among the finest historians of the domestic Cold War."--American Historical Review
"Craig turns the complicated facts of White's life into a terrific story, partly a spy yarn with philosophical overtones ? la Graham Greene or Joseph Conrad, partly a convincing evocation of the mentality Craig calls 'Rooseveltian internationalism.' . . .The book is a work of prodigious and meticulous scholarship. On the basis of this achievement, Craig deserves to be ranked among the finest historians of the domestic Cold War."--American Historical Review
"Polished . . . extensively documented . . . [Craig] provides a good context of the times and of Soviet conspiratorial techniques."--Library Journal
"A masterful historical investigation that examines the evidence in the White case, lays out an historical analysis that neither condemns White nor exonerates him, and encourages readers to tolerate the ambiguities that emerge in the historical record. Highly recommended."--Choice