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Treasury Management : The Practitioner's Guide - Steven M. Bragg
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Treasury Management

The Practitioner's Guide

By: Steven M. Bragg

Hardcover | 3 February 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Praise for 'Treasury Management The Practitioner's Guide': 'Steven Bragg has written a broad-based look at the treasurer's function that is as timely as it is complete. This book is an excellent choice for experienced treasury personnel, those new to the area, or the small business CFO needing to develop additional expertise' - Matthew Boutte, Asset/Liability Manager, AVP, Sterling Bank. 'Cash is king! Steven Bragg's 'Treasury Management: The Practitioner's Guide' peels back the onion on the most pressing topics facing today's treasurer - cash management, financing, risk management, and treasury systems' - Geoffrey Garland, Controller, Staco Systems. 'This book gives an insight into the various intricacies, augmented with examples and flowcharts, involved in a treasury role. It gives a practical and detailed approach to cash management.

A must-read for accounting heads of small businesses who have the additional responsibility of being a treasurer' - Priya K Srinivasan, Owner, Priya K Srinivasan CPA. 'Treasury Management: The Practitioner's Guide' describes all aspects of the treasury function. This comprehensive book includes chapters covering the treasury department, cash transfer methods, cash forecasting, cash concentration, working capital management, debt management, equity management, investment management, foreign exchange risk management, interest risk management, clearing and settlement systems, and treasury systems. If you are a treasurer, CFO, cash manager, or controller, 'Treasury Management: The Practitioner's Guide' allows you to quickly grasp the real world of treasury management and the many practical and strategic issues faced by treasurers and financial professionals today.

About The Author: STEVEN M. BRAGG, CPA, has been the chief financial officer or controller of four companies, as well as a consulting manager at Ernst & Young and an auditor at Deloitte & Touche. He received a master's degree in finance from Bentley College, an MBA from Babson College, and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Maine. He has been the two-time president of the Colorado Mountain Club, is an avid alpine skier and mountain biker, and is a certified master diver. Mr. Bragg resides in Centennial, Colorado. He is also the author of Accounting Best Practices and Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual (both published by Wiley).

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