Trust the Process : 101 Tips on Writing and Creativity - Karen Andrews

Trust the Process

101 Tips on Writing and Creativity

By: Karen Andrews

Paperback | 16 October 2017

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There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of putting down in words exactly what you mean to say. But this can take time and it is not uncommon to have crises of confidence in a project, its prospects or even your abilities as a writer. Trust is required throughout the creative process. Whether you're a novice or experienced writer, Trust the Process will help you achieve your goals by providing 101 tips and exercises to inspire, energise and motivate.

Featuring contributions by some of the country's most-respected writers: Lisa Dempster, Kelly Gardiner, Lisa Heidke, Eliza Henry-Jones, Lee Kofman, Summer Land, Laura Jean McKay, Angela Meyer, Penni Russon, Annabel Smith and Fiona Wood.

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