Good triumphs evil in every situation. Sometimes, it takes a while to recognize and realize, but it is so. You never know when an angel may approach you one day, so help those in need. Imagine another type of helpful host from heaven. Imagine a tweaker as one who tweaks happenings just enough to add more love and compassion in the future without changing the mainstream of history. Would it be a blessing having a being that would prevent you from making a wrong decision by eliminating a particular reason for having to choose? Imagine a future from which tweakers visit and do helpful things to lead people to the right path, which will add much love and compassion for their future. Imagine if you will a soul going to heaven and wishing to fight evil beside the angels in the war between good and evil.
A tweaker is a being from an elite heavenly force, TSI (Tweaker Secret Intervention). Their souls and bodies are used as vessels compatible for time travel and for acceptable fixtures of mankind. Imagine tweakers with no sexual desires or jealousy, traveling to and fro through time as mates, paired for life of services, often for hundreds of years. Being telepathically in sync with their Tweaker Sentry Post and continuously monitored throughout each mission, with answers provided by higher knowledge as needed. Single or together, the missions satisfactorily completed, gives more and more love and compassion to the future. Imagine a tweaker traveling through time, stricken by lightning, thus loosing memory and tools, in only a white vinyl jumpsuit and slippers. Having all common knowledge except of personal identity and past with amnesia. A tweaker named Ja-Tabor wanders aimlessly yet feeling that he has a particular purpose. Follow him through relearning and reuniting with his mate. Imagine!