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Twice Humanity : Implications for Local and Global Resource Use - Amelie Berger

Twice Humanity

Implications for Local and Global Resource Use

By: Amelie Berger (Editor)

Paperback | 28 January 1998

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This collection brings together researchers from different fields in order to establish necessary linkages to support future cross-disciplinary research on issues of global importance. Participants included scientists, students, teachers, and representatives from non-governmental organizations. Two chapters deal with the long-term development of human-kind in Africa, and on the necessity of a North-South dialogue for saving biodiversity. Other general contributions deal with agricultural research in Africa, livestock production, and food security. The relationship between population growth, technical development, and resource depletion is discussed from a philosophical perspective. The experiences from a case study on the importance of motherhood in rural Zimbabwe complement the debate on population growth. Other case studies cover issues of soil conservation, land reforms, and resources utilization in relation to land and people.

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