Uncomplicating Fractions to Meet Common Core Standards in Math, K-7 : 0 - Marian Small
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Uncomplicating Fractions to Meet Common Core Standards in Math, K-7

By: Marian Small

Paperback | 13 December 2013

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The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics challenges students to become mathematical thinkers, not just mathematical "doers". In her new resource, professional developer Marian Small shows teachers how to uncomplicate the teaching of fractions by focusing on the most important fraction ideas that students need to grasp. The book is organised by grade level beginning with Grade 1, where the first relevant standard is found in the geometry domain, and ending with Grade 7, where the focus is on operations with rational numbers and proportional thinking. In each section the relevant standard is presented, followed by a discussion of important underlying ideas associated with that standard, as well as some thoughtful, concept-based questions that can be used for classroom instruction, practice, or assessment.

Underlying ideas include:
  • Background for the mathematics of the standard.
  • Suggestions for appropriate representations for those specific mathematical ideas, including equations, drawings, and manipulatives.
  • Suggestions for explaining ideas to students.
  • Cautions about misconceptions or situations to avoid.

This accessible book provides math teachers with support for differentiated instruction. Math coaches can use it to assist teachers with their transition to the Common Core State Standards. All teachers will find it helpful to see the mathematical fraction learning that precedes and follows the grades that they teach. It is also an excellent text for preservice teachers as they prepare themselves and their students to understand and teach math with a deep level of understanding.
Industry Reviews

"A must have for instructional coaches, supervisors, and teachers."

--Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

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