Understanding Construction Law is designed to provide construction professionals - such as architects, building surveyors, construction managers, construction contract administrators, engineers, and quantity surveyors - with a good working knowledge of the law necessary to operate effectively within the construction industry. Covering all Australian jurisdictions, it explains and illustrates how legal principles under both common law and statute are applied in construction-related transactions and disputes. It also offers valuable information on the construction industry and practice. The author team combines in-depth experience in the construction industry, legal practice and academia to present an authoritative but accessible text for readers with no assumed knowledge of law. The second edition includes recent developments such as:
- amendments to the building and construction industry security of payment legislation
- strata building bond and inspections scheme for high-rise residential buildings in NSW
- legal liabilities of construction professionals with respect to damages caused by highly combustible aluminium composite panels
- unfair contract terms and standard form contracts
- termination for convenience clauses
The clear explanations make it an essential text for both undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking construction-related degree programs.
- Covers all Australian jurisdictions
- Includes information on construction industry and practice
- No assumed knowledge of law
- Strong pedagogy to assist learning
Related Titles
Cremean, Whitten & Sharkey, Brooking on Building Contracts, 5th ed, 2014
Gerber & Ong, Best Practice in Construction Disputes, 2013
Viglianti, Understanding Real Property Law, 2015
Wilson, Security of Payment in NSW, Victoria, ACT, Tasmania and SA, 2nd ed
About the Authors
Jeremy Coggins is an Associate Professor in the UniSA STEM academic unit at the University of South Australia. Tom Davie is a barrister at the NSW Bar with extensive experience in construction law and is author of the Annotated Home Building Act. Tony Earls is Special Counsel in Construction Law at Bannermans Lawyers and author of Plunkett’s Legacy: An Irishman’s Contribution to the Rule of Law in NSW.
Dr Phil Evans is Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame (Australia) School of Law and Business Fremantle campus. He is a graded arbitrator, accredited mediator and registered adjudicator under the Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA). He holds a current legal practice certificate. He was awarded the inaugural Resolution Institute Award; Contribution to the Professional Development of Others in ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution).