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Understanding Indonesian Grammar : A student's reference and workbook - James Neil Sneddon
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Understanding Indonesian Grammar

A student's reference and workbook

By: James Neil Sneddon

Hardcover | 31 March 2021

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RRP $284.00


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Understanding Indonesian Grammar is a reference and workbook designed primarily for intermediate and advanced students in senior years of high school and at university. It provides a clear, non-technical description of the important structures in the language, together with practical exercises. It can be used with any Indonesian language course.

* Units are largely self-contained, enabling teachers to select topics in any order, depending on the structure of their course and the needs of their students.

* The various aspects of each topic are discussed one at a time and tested in exercises so that the learner is guided step by step to an in-depth understanding of the topic.

* Contains descriptions of many frequently occurring affixes and structures which are not dealt with in existing course materials.

* Clear explanations and answers to all exercises enable learners to use the book without a teacher.

* Notes throughout the book provide additional information on unusual or irregular features of grammar.

* All grammatical terms used are defined in an extensive glossary.

The comprehensiveness and flexibility of Understanding Indonesian Grammar make it an indispensable resource for students and teachers of Indonesian.

James Neil Sneddon PhD is an associate professor in the School of Languages at Griffith University, with long experience teaching Indonesian language and linguistics. He is the author of Indonesian Reference Grammar (1996).

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