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Understanding Programming Thinking Without Coding : Think Like a Programmer for Creating Logical Solutions - Toshihiko Kusano

Understanding Programming Thinking Without Coding

Think Like a Programmer for Creating Logical Solutions

By: Toshihiko Kusano

Paperback | 6 March 2019

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Programming thinking is a powerful tool. If you are looking for an actually usable logical thinking method, this is it. The essence of programming thinking is to create solutions by choosing appropriate atomic operations and properly structuring them in a logical order. The solution is an algorithm. The thinking method is receiving increased attention from business persons to students. Those interests are not only in programming knowledge but also its thinking process and technic to create and build logical solutions for real-life issues. As we know artificial intelligences are trying to solve problems which do not have definitive answers; programming thinking is the engine to derive the solutions.While you are reading this book, you need no computer beside of you. This book covers various topics; basics of computers, software, program and programming, and most focused topic is an algorithm. It consciously avoids explaining programming languages since they are not the center of the programming thinking. Instead of that, you will be noticed the real center is an algorithm which reside inside of every program. It is the solution. The most important thing you will learn is a way to think and create an algorithm logically. Questions in this book provide hints you should pay your attention when creating algorithms from various perspectives. Programming thinking is a useful and essential skill for those of us seeking logical solutions regardless of the business you are working.When you find yourself in a problem, this book shows you how to move out from it.ContentsChapter 1 Computer and SoftwareChapter 2 Programming Thinking IntroductionChapter 3 Three Control Structures of ProgramChapter 4 Creating Algorithms for Problems with No Definitive AnswerChapter 5 Creating Programming Friendly Algorithms

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