The 30-Day Elixir for Creating Flawless Ideas, Leveraging Superhuman Focus, and Achieving Optimal Performance Through Flow
Author: Kary Oberbrunner
Narrated by: Kary Oberbrunner
At a Glance
Published: 26th October 2020
Digital Audiobook
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Human knowledge once doubled every thousand years. Today, it's every 12 hours. No wonder we can't keep up!
Welcome to the Attention Economy—where you are the product. In this digital landscape, they keep score with eyeballs and eardrums. Your attention—even for a few seconds—translates into cold, hard cash they're willing to manipulate and even hack you for.
A hack is when someone or something gains unauthorized access to a computer or a system. People can be hacked. Your focus is the prize—and they'll hack you to get it.
Does this sound familiar? You cleared your schedule, woke up early, and informed your family and friends you're unreachable. An entire day dedicated to finally working on your dream.
Buzz. Ring. Beep. Five minutes in, another disruption. Notifications flash across your screen. Your phone vibrates. Now you crave a distraction and the dopamine fix. Scroll. Scroll. Who are you kidding? Productivity plummets. Morale declines. Your dream gets sidelined and sabotaged—yet again. Unless you're unhackable.
Better than money, power, or connections—Unhackable is the new secret weapon of super achievers—the ones who live their dreams.
Kary Oberbrunner made it his mission to discover if humans could become unhackable. After a six-year exploration of neurobiology, art, science, technology, education, athletics, the military, and business, he emerged with an answer—the unmistakable elixir behind all idea achievement and productivity.
This book reveals that answer in 30 daily missions. Discover how to:
- Create a life you love defined by freedom, finances, and fulfillment
- Tap into your hidden ability for superhuman focus to get more done in far less time
- Organize your life around flow—where you feel your best and perform your best
- Wake up every day thrilled to live your dream
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ISBN: 9798368972503
Published: 26th October 2020
Format: Digital Audiobook
Language: English
Publisher: Ethos Collective
Duration: 07:16.01