Unlikely Leaders : Lessons in Leadership from the Village Classroom - Cathy Burke

Unlikely Leaders

Lessons in Leadership from the Village Classroom

By: Cathy Burke

Paperback | 1 September 2015

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Unlikely Leaders offers a ground breaking and deeply relevant perspective on leadership.

Cathy Burke’s work over two decades with The Hunger Project has given her intimate access to grassroots leaders who are ending hunger in their villages. Though they may be impoverished and non-literate, these women and men are at the forefront of courageous and effective leadership.

With all the reasons why it’s not possible, the poorest of the poor are redefining what is possible. Their actions are changing the world. Learning from them can change ours too.

In this book you will:

• Discover the Nine Steps of Transformative Leadership
• Explore why mindset is key, and how entrenched beliefs can be transformed
• Learn how to move from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’ to ‘We can’
• Challenge your assumptions about what’s limiting you
• Engage with our world in an empowering new way
Industry Reviews
"What Cathy Burke has to say should be listened to."
Speciosa Wandira-Kazibwe, UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, Former Vice President Uganda

"Cathy Burke's unique voice and insights on leadership will influence the way we think about change and culture for years to come.”
Jon Williams, Global Leader, People and Organisation, PwC

"Cathy Burke is an innovative thinker and passionate agitator for change in the world”
Jo Horgan, Mecca Cosmetica Founder and CEO

"Cathy’s grasp on leadership and her ability to translate that into action is incredibly impressive.”
Michael Rennie, Global Leader, Organisation Practice, McKinsey and Co.

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