Urban Warfare : Housing and Cities in and Age of Finance - Raquel Rolnik

Urban Warfare

Housing and Cities in and Age of Finance

By: Raquel Rolnik, Gabriel Hirschhorn (Translator)

Paperback | 26 January 2019

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In Urban Warfare, Rolnik charts how the financialisation of housing has become a global crisis, as models of home ownership, originating in the US and UK, are being exported around the world. These developments were largely organised by htosw who benefit the most: construction companies and banks, supported by government-facilitated schemes, such as 'the right to buy', subsidies, and micro-financing.

Using examples ranging from Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Chile, Israel, Haiti, the UK and especially Brazil, Rolnik shows how our homes and neighbourhoods have effectively become the “last subprime frontiers of capitalism”. This neoliberal colonialism is experienced on the scale of the city but also within our everyday lives. Yet since the financial crisis and wider urban politics that have left millions homeless, forced from their homes because of urban development politics, and mega-events such as the Rio World Cup in 2013. These narratives are weaved together with theoretical reflections and empirical evidence to explain the crisis in depth. In response, Rolnik restates the political need for activism and resistance. Examining in detail the June Days protests in Rio, 2013-14, she shows that housing remains an essential, and global, struggle.

About the Author

Raquel Rolnik is an architect and urban planner, working on housing and urban policies. She was Director of the Planning Department of the city of Sao Paulo (1989-1992),National Secretary for Urban Programs of the Brazilian Ministry of Cities (2003-2007) and Urban Policy Coordinator of the Polis Institute (1997-2002). In 2008,she was appointed UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing and visited the UK, causing some controversy, and other countries. She is also a professor in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies at the University of Sao Paulo.
Industry Reviews
"A magisterial survey and analysis of what is fast becoming one of the most compelling global crises of our time."--David Harvey, author of Rebel Cities

"A truly brilliant book" - rs21

"The clarity and vehemence of [Urban Warfare] is a tonic for anyone used to the combination of boosterism and sentimentality that marks so much urbanist writing." - Owen Hatherley, Architectural Review

"The power of Rolnik's book lies in its geographical diversity, the implicit and explicit linkages made between apparently diverse case studies and its political commitment to adequate and accessible housing." - International Journal of Housing Policy

"At a time when much current academic research on housing and urban studies prioritises the technical and methodological over the conceptual, big data over thick description, the numerous, short vignettes in Rolnik's book remind us of the effectiveness of a real story to convey a wider message." - International Journal of Housing Policy

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