US Tank and Tank Destroyer Battalions in the ETO 1944-45 : Battle Orders - Steven J. Zaloga

US Tank and Tank Destroyer Battalions in the ETO 1944-45

By: Steven J. Zaloga, Duncan Anderson (Editor)

Paperback | 1 January 2005 | Edition Number 1

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Overshadowed by the United States Army's armored divisions, the separate tank and tank destroyer battalions had the difficult mission of providing armored support for US infantry divisions in the 1944-45 campaigns.

This book details the organizational structures and deployment of these units: the standard tank battalions, tank battalions (light), tank battalions (mine exploder) and tank battalions (special), self-propelled and towed tank destroyer battalions. It also covers the tactics used by these units in their attempts to assist the infantry, as well as providing a listing of all the battalions that took part in the Northwest Europe campaign.

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