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Using Shared Mental Models and Organisational Learning to Support Safety and Security Through Cyberspace : A Computational Analysis Approach - Peter H. M. P. Roelofsma
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Using Shared Mental Models and Organisational Learning to Support Safety and Security Through Cyberspace

A Computational Analysis Approach

By: Peter H. M. P. Roelofsma (Editor), Fakhra Jabeen (Editor), H. Rob Taal (Editor)

Hardcover | 27 January 2025

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Ensuring patient safety and security through cyberspace requires that all care professionals operate as a team and community . In order to be successful, it is of paramount importance that all members of the team have a shared understanding of the diagnosis, the condition of the patient, the secure use of medical devices and the plan of action. At present, to ensure that all mem bers have this 'shared mental model', members communicate and observe each other's actions. Based upon this information, members sho uld be able to confirm if indeed all have a shared mental model and speak up when deviations in one or more members and/or processes are suspected. From a group dynamical and information processing perspective, this verification process is known to be very vulnerable: how can red flags be detected in complicated surgery settings and do members feel psychologically safe enough to speak up when they have concerns about being on the same page as the rest of their team? This book presents a new approach for saf ety and security through cyberspace through introducing a concept of co designed clinical pathways supported by the AI coach. The AI coach will be an intervention for both improving hospital wide safety and security through cyberspace. The AI Coach will empower users by supporting and facilitating the development of a shared mental model for team and organisational learning. The AI coach will function as an information, communication, cooperation and decision support system. The book advises to incorporate issues or cybersecurity risk management into the total safety and security process, among others through co-creating security.

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