1: M. Quintard and S. Whitaker: Fundamentals of Transport Equation Formulation for Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Porous Media
2: W.G. Gray, M.A. Celia, and P.C. Reeves: Incorporation of Interfacial Areas in Models of Two-Phase Flow
3: G. Sposito: The Statistical Physics of Subsurface Solute Transport
4: J.-Y Parlange, T.S. Steenhuis, R. Haverkamp, D.A. Barry, P.J. Culligan, W.L. Hogarth, M.B. Parlange, P. Ross, and F. Stagnitti: Soil Properties and Water Movement
5: M.L. Brusseau: Nonideal Transport of Reactive Solutes in Porous Media: Cutting Across History and Disciplines
6: M. Th. van Genuchten and E.A. Sudicky: Recent Advances in Vadose Zone Flow and Transport Modeling
7: J.E. Watson, R.F. Harris, Y. Liu, and W.R. Gardner: Diffusion-Linked Microbial Metabolism in the Vadose Zone
8: L.M. Abriola, K.D. Pennell, W.J. Weber, Jr., J.R. Lang, and M.D. Wilkins: Persistence and Interphase Mass Transfer of Liquid Organic Contaminants in the Unsaturated Zone: Experimental Observations and Mathematical Modeling
9: Y.H. El-Farhan, K.M. Scow, and D.E. Rolston: Coupling Vapor Transport and Transformation of Volatile Organic Chemicals
10: M.B. Parlange, J.D. Albertson, W.E. Eichinger, A.T. Cahill, T.J. Jackson, G. Kiely, and G.G. Katul: Evaporation: Use of Fast-Response Turbulence Sensors, Raman Lidar, and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
11: J.W. Hopmans, J.M.H. Hendrickx, and J.S. Selker: Emerging Measurement Techniques for Vadose Zone Characterization
12: T.J. Jackson, E.T. Engman, T.J. Schmugge: Microwave Observations of Soil Hydrology
13: S.W. Tyler, B.R. Scanlon, G.W. Gee, and G.B. Allison: Water and Solute Transport in Arid Vadose Zones: Innovations in Measurement and Analysis
14: A.W. Warrick, L. Pan, and P.J. Wierenga: Water Flow in Desert Soils near Buried Waste Repositories
15: D.J. Mulla, A.P. Mallawatantri, O.Wendroth, M. Joschko, H. Rogasik, and S. Koszinski: Site-Specific Management of Flow and Tranport in Homogeneous and Structured Soils
16: R.J. Wagenet and J. Bouma: Customizing Soil-Water Expertise for Different Users
17: W.A. Jury: Present Directions and Future Research in Vadose Zone Hydrology