Vessel Health and Preservation : The Right Approach for Vascular Access - Nancy L. Moureau
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Vessel Health and Preservation

The Right Approach for Vascular Access

By: Nancy L. Moureau (Editor)

Paperback | 30 December 2024 | Edition Number 2

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This second edition offers updated and revised information on vessel health and preservation (VHP). It presents a model of care and systematic application of vascular access and administration of intravenous treatment to show how establishing and maintaining a route to the bloodstream with optimal methods is essential for patients in acute care today. This model concept was first published in poster form in 2008 and in JVA in 2012, which has received a great deal of attention, especially in the US, UK and Australia. Until now, little thought has been given to an intentional process to guide selection, insertion and management of vascular access devices (VADs) and by default actions are based on crisis management when a quickly selected VAD fails. The book details how VHP establishes a framework or pathway model for each step of the patient experience, intentionally guiding, improving and eliminating risk when possible. The evidence points to the fact that reducing fragmentation, establishing a pathway, and teaching the process to all stakeholders reduces complications with intravenous therapy, improves efficiency and diminishes cost. As such this book has become a strong point of reference appealing to vascular access specialists, bedside nurses, physicians and other health professionals. Few authoritative guides provide the depth and descriptive evidence included in this VHP model of care, suitable for hospital administrators, directors, educators and others to apply within their services.

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