VOLUME ONE: PARETO AND THE SCOPE OF HIS WORKSection 1 - Biographies and General ReviewsVilfredo Pareto, Obituary, A. Loria, Economic Journal (1923)Vilfredo Pareto, Obituary, M. Pantaleoni, Economic Journal (1923)Pareto, Vilfredo (1848-1923), F.Y. Edgeworth, Palgraves Dictionary of Political Economy, Vol III (1926)The Work of Vilfredo Pareto, G.H. Bousquet, The Sociological Press (1928)Vilfredo Pareto, L. Amoroso, Econometrica (1938)Pareto, Vilfredo (1848-1923), J. Schumpeter, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1949)Section 2 - Letters to Maffeo PantaleoniPareto Revealed, J.R. Hicks, Economica (1961)Vilfredo Pareto: The Economist in the Light of his Letters to Maffeo Pantaleoni, E. Schneider, Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro, Quarterly Review (1961)Vilfredo Paretos Sociology in his Letters to Maffeo Pantaleoni, N. Bobbio, Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro, Quarterly Review, (1961)Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923): Biographical Notes on the Occasion of the Publication of his Letters to Pantaleoni, G.H. Bousquet, Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro, Quarterly Review (1961)Section 3 - MethodologyOn the Economic Principle: A Letter to Professor V. Pareto [Sul principio economico], B. Croce, International Economic Papers (1953)On the Economic Phenomenon: A Reply to Benedetto Croce [Sul fenomeno economico], V. Pareto, International Economic Papers (1953)On the Economic Principle: A Reply to Professor Benedetto Croce [Replica allarticolo del Professore Pareto], B. Croce, International Economic Papers (1953)On the Economic Principle: A Reply to Benedetto Croce [Sul principio economico], V. Pareto, International Economic Papers (1953)Paretos Contribution to Social Science, C.M. Perry, International Journal of Ethics, (1935)Paretos General Sociology: The Problem of Method in the Social Sciences, C.B. Macpherson, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science (1937)In Search of the True Pareto, W. Stark, British Journal of Sociology (1963)Section 4 - Published Conference PapersVilfredo Pareto and Marginalism, V.J. Tarascio, The Marginal Revolution in Economics: Interpretations and Evaluation, Papers presented at a conference held at the Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio Italy, August 22-28 1971 (1973)Notes on the Work of Vilfredo Pareto, J. Lopreato, Social Science Quarterly (1973)A Sociologist Who Knew Science, M. Levy, Social Science Quarterly (1973)Vilfredo Pareto and the Crisis of Nineteenth Century Science, A. Pizzorno, Social Science Quarterly (1973)Towards a Formal Reinstatement of Vilfredo Paretos Theory of the Circulation of Elites, S. Cook Lopreato, Social Science Quarterly (1973)Inequality and Civilization, M. Allais, Social Science Quarterly (1973)Paretos Law of Income Distribution, V.J. Tarascio, Social Science Quarterly (1973)Pareto and the Economic Optimum, J.R. Hicks, Convengo Internazionale Vilfredo Pareto (Roma 25-27 ottobre 1973)The General Theory of Surplus and Paretos Fundamental Contribution, M. Allais, Convengo Internazionale Vilfredo Pareto (Roma 25-27 ottobre 1973)Vilfredo Pareto and his Theory of Ophelimity, N Georgescu-Roegen, Convengo Internazionale Vilfredo Pareto (Roma 25-27 ottobre 1973)The Lausanne Tradition: Walras and Pareto, C. Mènard, Neoclassical Economic Theory 1870-1930 (1990)Commentary, D.A. Walker, Neoclassical Economic Theory 1870-1930 (1990)VOLUME TWO: ECONOMIC THEORYSection 5 - Reviews and ResponseRecent Contributions to Mathematical Economics, Economic Journal (1895)Book Notices - Cour deconomie politique, Tome I par Vilfredo Pareto; and la courbe de la rèparation de la richesse par Vilfredo Pareto, Yale Review (1896)Cour deconomie politique, Tome II, Vilfredo Pareto, Economic Journal (1897)The New Theories of Economics, V. Pareto, Journal of Political Economy (1897)Vilfred Paretos Cour deconomie politique, K. Wicksell, Selected Papers