Visible Mending : Artful Stitchery to Repair and Refresh Your Favorite Things - Jenny Wilding Cardon

Visible Mending

Artful Stitchery to Repair and Refresh Your Favorite Things

By: Jenny Wilding Cardon

Paperback | 15 June 2018

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Rip in your jeans? Snag in a sweater? Tear in a tea towel? They all present an opportunity for one-of-a-kind creativity! With this fun introduction to unconventional mending techniques in a format that's half how-to guide, half idea book, anyone can give worn and torn items new life.

Start by learning hand-mending methods, including boro, embroidery, patching, and darning. Then rev up the sewing machine for fast mends that put the pedal to the metal. Even with a limited budget and not much time to spare, you can create eye-catching repairs with visible mending--35 examples and more than 150 photos make it easy to put your unique mark on everything you mend!

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