Words Their Way : Vocabulary for Middle and Secondary Students - Shane Templeton

Words Their Way

Vocabulary for Middle and Secondary Students

By: Shane Templeton, Donald Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Francine Johnston, Kevin Flanigan

Paperback | 9 May 2014 | Edition Number 2

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New Edition

A new edition of the most comprehensive vocabulary text available for pre-service, novice, and experienced teachers of middle and high school students.


In this new edition of the most comprehensive vocabulary text available, pre-service, novice, and experienced middle and high school teachers get invaluable tools to share with their students that will enable them to learn thousands of words independently. With an emphasis on developing students' word consciousness-the knowledge and predisposition to learn, appreciate, and effectively use words-the book addresses three broad aspects of vocabulary learning and instruction: context-based instruction, word-specific instruction, and generative morphology instruction, as a means to enabling teachers to teach vocabulary their way.


The new edition features an expanded author team; separate chapter for the major disciplines/subjects, including a separate chapter on Art, Music, Physical Education, and Career and Technical Education; a new, easily-accessible format presenting the strategies, activities, and assessments; chapter notes directing readers to the PDToolkit online resource, new Activity Selection Charts in each chapter; referencing to the Common Core Standards in each activity and strategy; updated research throughout; a new look at Academic Language; and a revised ESL chapter with a strong new multilingual focus.


Vocabulary Their Way provides an exceptional teaching and learning experience through:


  • A focus on context-based vocabulary instruction, coupled with effective, engaging, word-specific general and domain-specific vocabulary activities.
  • Attention to ESL learners and struggling readers and writers throughout.
  • Special attention to ways to organize for effective instruction.
Industry Reviews

"This book is a wonderful primer for those just learning to teach and/or understand the necessity of vocabulary development for content area mastery." -- Jane M. Saunders, Texas State University

"Vocabulary Their Way offers a wealth of resources that teachers can use to build their own knowledge of the origin and structure of the English language as well as the strategies that they can use to support students' vocabulary development. It is accessible, compelling, and interesting and contains a number of classroom examples." -- Jennifer Scott Curwood, The University of Sydney (Australia)

"This book is very appealing, as teaching academic vocabulary is part of the Common Core standards being adopted by most states. Teachers will welcome the help for their classroom instruction, and administrators will welcome the information for professional development." -- Carla M. Stegall, Gilbert Middle School (Gilbert, SC)

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