Eighteen veterans inhabit these pages. Each voice their story directly to the reader without intervention. One describes having breast milk squirted in his face, another tells of having his hands held behind his back as a knife put to his throat, and yet another describes the incidents in the brothels of Malaya.
A pilot tells of heading for a mountain in a bomber without the capacity to divert but survives and one explains in detail why understanding science is so important to the military.
This book would be worthwhile reading especially for anyone considering joining the Australian military. All eighteen story tellers valued the training received and discuss openly training experience received throughout their time in the service. In most cases it is about the fun they had during such times.
Many of the stories are hilarious, some are very sad, such as when you realise that it was your side who laid the mine, causing the little girl you just met, to lose her foot. For some, such experiences made them true believers. On others, it had exactly the opposite effect.
In addition, five chapters offer an Australian perspective on world affairs from 1940 to 1970.
Read this book to discover more about;
- experiences in and the value of military service to your future career,
- how the Australian Defence Force compares to other allied countries,
- routines from training rituals to regular service in Australia and overseas,
- how Australia contributed to foreign affairs from WW 2 to Vietnam.
About the Author
Brian Robertson enjoys writing military-type memoirs. His main career was in Education, in Scotland, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and finally Australia. Since retiring, among other books he has written
Digger’s Story Surviving the Japanese POW camps was just the beginning and
A Gordon For Me, about his time with the British Army in Cyprus.