What makes the super rich tick? Is there a specific mindset that sets ultra-high net worth individuals apart from the rest of us? Are they meticulous planners - or is their wealth an unintended by-product of their entrepreneurial activities? Is it nature or nurture that sets them on the path to great financial success? This book represents one of the most comprehensive modern-day studies of the super rich. Based on interviews with members of the financial elite, and rigorous academic analysis, this empirical study investigates the link between personality traits and the creation of enormous wealth. In short, the book provides a fascinating insight into the world of the super rich - and how they think, behave and make their fortunes. AUTHOR: Rainer Zitelmann is the author of 19 books. He was previously a senior editor at Die Welt newspaper. Later, he became the leading communications consultant for the real estate sector in Germany. The material for this book is based on his second doctorate. SELLING POINTS: . The most comprehensive study of the super rich - how they think, behave and make money . Fascinating insights into the personal world of the super rich . Based on detailed research and exclusive interviews with the financial elite . Non-fiction bestseller when first published in German
Industry Reviews
"Zitelmann's book is of great importance because it provides an explanation for the success of the market economy and our society's prosperity. It places the entrepreneur firmly center stage... In fact, Zitelmann's book deserves to be a standard text for current and future Ministers of Finance and Economics. Everyone with entrepreneurial aspirations should make space for it in their home library." --Huffington Post "'The Wealth Elite' is interesting for two reasons: On the one hand, Zitelmann summarizes the state of research into the essence of the entrepreneur. On the other hand, he reveals millionaires' very personal motives and perspectives through a series of verbatim excerpts from in-depth interviews. If you are at all interested in the nature of entrepreneurship, you will certainly find what you are looking for here, and far more besides." --Harvard Business Manager "Zitelmann's book is of major importance because, by focusing on entrepreneurship, it explains both the success of the market economy and the prosperity of our society. In neoclassical economic theory, entrepreneurs are conspicuous only by their absence." --The European "I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Wealth Elite and found some of the findings quite interesting. The part I liked the most was actual interview excerpts presented verbatim, which really helps one to understand exactly what the interviewer is trying to say in their own words. Zitelmann's writing style is effortless and engaging and makes this a fun read." --Reviewed by Gisela Dixon for Readers' Favorite "The Wealth Elite includes interesting insights and interviews about the DNA of the super-rich." --Reviewed by James Bernstein for IndieReader "The Wealth Elite is a complete, educational analysis of successful and wealthy entrepreneurs. All topics are covered in depth with research to back up Dr Zitelmann's findings. I particularly enjoyed reading the interview responses of the individuals in the study. Although each participant came from a different background, it was easy to see a general pattern of thinking among these successful individuals ... I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the psychology behind the wealthy." --Reviewed by Kristi Elizabeth for San Francisco Book Review "Rainer Zitelmann's study of the psychology of the super rich is an ambitious project. Few could be better qualified for it than Dr Zitelmann - an historian, sociologist, journalist, businessman and investor. There has been no comparable study and it is a compelling read for all who need to understand the characteristics and motivations of rich entrepreneurs. These people drive economic growth, back innovation, create jobs and finance philanthropic projects. So why has such a study never been attempted before? It is hard to access these people and design questionnaires that generate a meaningful response." --Reviewed by Michael Maslinski for Financial Times