Every weaver weaves a rag rug - or two, or three. In this long-awaited book, well-known weaver and teacher Tom Knisely shares his knowledge and expertise in this collection of favorite rag rug patterns. Color planning and design advice for rag rugs Step-by-step instructions on warping and weaving for your rag rug More than 30 rag rug projects
Industry Reviews
"Anyone considering weaving a rag rug would do well to have Tom Knisely's book in their hands to guide them along the way...Knisely's warm personality and teaching strengths are apparent throughout the book...Inspired by Knisely's supportive tone and instructions, the only problem weavers should have with this book is deciding which project to tackle first."--Susan Knorr""Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot"" (08/01/2014)
"The history and instruction alone make "Weaving Rag Rugs" well worth owning, but the crowning glories of this book are the thirty-two projects, woven by Tom and friends, that show the wide-ranging possibilities of this homely art...Whether you're an experienced rug weaver or rug weaving has just been on your bucket list, this book is a perfect combination of how-to, eye candy (loom candy), and a darn good read."--Anita Osterhaug"Handwoven" (09/01/2014)
..".his enthusiasm, encouragement, and personal advice make it seem like weaving a rag rug is very, very doable."--Peggy Osterkamp"peggyosterkamp.com" (06/02/2014)
."..his enthusiasm, encouragement, and personal advice make it seem like weaving a rag rug is very, very doable."--Peggy Osterkamp"peggyosterkamp.com" (06/02/2014)
"Each rug pattern is beautifully presented and includes a swatch photo of the materials used. ...A WEALTH of information that would be of value to any weaver."--Dru Duncan"thecountryfarmhome.blogspot.com" (05/12/2014)
"He speaks to you not in crafter's jargon that can be overwhelming for a new soul just dipping their toe into the water but in a friendly and easy to follow sort of way. It's almost as if he's right there by your side, patiently guiding you through the ways of weaving."--Amy Sessions"peppermintmochamama.blogspot.com" (05/22/2014)
"This is a great book, easy to read, one you will go back to again and again."--Hilary Cooper-Kenny"crazyasaloom.blogspot.com" (05/08/2014)
"Tom Knisely's new book...is one of those books that makes you think, 'Oh...yeah..."THAT'S" the thing that I've "ALWAYS" wanted to do!'"--Heather Ordover"crafting-a-life.com/mamaoknits" (05/30/2014)