Welcome - BARROUX



Hardcover | 1 October 2016

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This book is featured in our Refugees and Displaced People page, a collection of the best books to understand the courage and plight of forced migration, including books for children of stories and issues

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Product Description
I am a polar bear. I live on an ice floe. I lead a quiet and peaceful life with my friends. But that was before the BIG CRACK. Now we are alone. When Polar Bear and his friends are swept away from their icy home, they hope to find refuge in a new land. But when they are turned away from one new place after another, they start to doubt that they will ever find somewhere they will be made welcome.

In this exceptional book, the award-winning Barroux has crafted a powerful story with a twist ending about hugely important and current issues.

About the Author

Born in Paris, Barroux spent much of his childhood in North Africa. He later attended art school in France. His books include Uncle John and the Giant Cherry Tree, which won the 2005 Enfantaisie Award, and Line of Fire, Diary of An Unknown, which recieved widespread critical acclaim. In 2015 Barroux won the first Parents, Babies, a Book competition for his work Chuut! which will be given to every baby in the north of France. His stunning book Where's the Elephant? has been longlisted for the Kate Greenway Medal 2016.
Industry Reviews
"With a beautiful twisting finale, this highly topical book is a must have for all early years setting and primary classes. It needs to be shared, discussed and shared again to help everyone understand the issues and challenges migrants face" * Red Reading Hub *
"a powerful and topical message is dealt with in a sensitive child-friendly way" * Read It, Daddy! *
"This might look like a picture book. It might look as though it's only for children but there's a message in there that we should all take to heart" * The Bookbag *
"a highly poignant story about the plight of migrants, pitched at a younger audience, in words and images that they can relate to" * Picture Books Blogger *

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