I have been in shut down now for twelve weeks because of Covid 19.
What is that? You may be asking. Well once upon a time in a small
market town somewhere in China, someone decided to sell Pangolins
which is an endangered species and renowned for having a very low
immunity level and next door to the Pangolins they were selling Bats
who in captivity carry unspeakable germs.
Apparently Pangolin meat is very tasty and its scales are used in Chinese
medicine. The market where they were sold was very busy and most
unhygienic, so the virus which the bats carried rapidly spread to the
pangolins, who had no resistance to it. The Chinese people ate the meat
and made the medicine and the rest is History as they say. The speed
at which bacteria grows when left to its own devices is literally off the
scale. I helped my daughter Fiona, with her Biology homework which
involved calculating the speed of bacterial growth in one hour and the
calculator we used ran out of space for the numbers.
My personal belief is that the main spread of the virus was caused by
people flying on aeroplanes and breathing in the air conditioning. The
only way to avoid the spread of the virus is to stay in isolation. So most
of the country has been on shut down with the odd trip to the shops
when necessary for food and supplies. When queuing we have to stand
two metres apart and antiseptic hand gel has become the most desired
commodity on the planet.
When we first recognised the need to isolate there was a lot of panic
buying. The first items to be sold out were toilet rolls, pasta, tinned
tomatoes and flour.
I have managed to remain reasonably sane by writing letters campaigning
for the Palestinian people to have some freedom and autonomy over
their lives. Who would have thought that the plight of the Palestinian
people would be the touch stone of my sanity? I will include one of my
letters in this story and hope that it will be passed down in history to
show the suffering that they had to endure at the hands of generations
of Israeli governments.
The Chosen People have turned out to be a bunch of murdering bastards
and the Promised Land has become a place where apartheid racism and
torture are a daily occurrence. Moses must be turning in his grave as
breaking of four of the Ten Commandments is normal practice by the
Israelis, and has been since 1948. No one is allowed to criticise them, no
matter what the atrocities are, if you dare to do so then you are accused
of being anti-Semitic. That of itself is an anti-semantic statement as the
Palestinian people and any people from the Middle East are a Semitic
people. The absolute irony is that the ethnically cleansed are now
ethnically cleansing.