Experience this compelling, true story of one doctor who deceived American judges, legislators, clergy and the public . . .
and one woman determined to fulfill the promise she made him:
to teach America the truth
and deliver the doctor's personal parting message.
You won't be able to put this book down.
In a small apartment in Manhattan, New York, the terminally-ill cofounder of America's abortion industry gave Terry Beatley his personal parting message and instructions to teach how he deceived our country.
What Dr. Nathanson revealed to her:
- provides a pathway to healing for those exploited by the lies of abortion
- exposes a racist population-control plan
- explains a deadly political maneuver called the "Catholic Strategy", and
- reveals the profound loss of parental rights due to the fabrication of minor's reproductive rights.
Industry Reviews
"As a born again Christ follower, I am deeply moved by Terry Beatley's passionate pro-life response to America's most deadly battlefield since 1973: the womb of the American mother." Ron Brown Former longtime Assistant Football Coach at University of Nebraska Current Associate Head Coach at Liberty University
"This book is a must-read! Dr. Bernard Nathanson's remarkable story of redemption and hope -- and the alarm he sounded for our wayward culture -- is far too important to be forgotten with his passing. Terry Beatley is faithfully, tenaciously keeping the cofounder of NARAL's message alive." Marjorie Dannenfelser President, Susan B. Anthony List
"Terry Beatley's work shines a bright light on the destructive seeds that have caused the coarsening of culture by devaluing life. Read it and be more equipped to lead the restoration of America." Thomas P. McDevitt Chairman, Washington Times
"The courageous message of Terry Beatley is critical to exposing the lies on which the abortion industry and the constitutional right to abortion rests. Truth, not ideology, should guide our judges and lawmakers. Terry's story of Dr. Nathanson, an abortion apostle, exposes the lies that masquerade as a women's health issue resulting in death, pain and suffering. Go tell it everywhere." Mary Ellen Bork Wife of the late Judge Robert H. Bork
..". What was the strategy of the abortion industry early on? How can knowing that strategy provide the key to changing abortion law and abortion culture? Terry Beatley has written a powerful book which answers those questions. Get What If We've Been Wrong?, read it, and tell others about it." Dr. Jerry Johnson, Ph.D. President and CEO, National Religious Broadcasters
"Dr. Bernard Nathanson left behind a very important mission for Terry Beatley. I enthusiastically support Terry's efforts to fulfill that mission by restoring a life-affirming culture through teaching America the truth of what 'The Abortion King' did to our country and what we can do to reverse it. If our country responds in conviction and repentance to Terry's efforts to bring Dr. Nathanson's message to our people, there is still a chance to return our great nation to the faith of our fathers where they truly believed, 'All men are created equal' and are 'endowed by their Creator ... with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'" Dr. Richard LandPresident, Southern Evangelical Seminary, Matthews, North Carolina President Emeritus, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
"Terry Beatley's single minded determination to get the truth out is a timely and relevant gift to this country -- and politically, a potential game changer." Nancy Schulze Founder, Congressional Wives Speakers Cofounder of The American Prayer Initiative Wife of 9-term Congressman Dick Schulze, Ret.
"I had the wonderful privilege of calling Dr. Bernard Nathanson friend. Terry Beatley has captured his parting and compelling message, a message the world desperately needs to hear during this National discussion of the Born Alive Abortion Survivor's Protection Act." Congressman Trent Franks (Arizona)
"Terry was tasked by the cofounder of NARAL -- Dr. Bernard Nathanson -- to teach the truth of how he used propaganda to deceive Supreme Court justices, legislators, and the American public. He equipped Terry with the truth. Now it's our turn to listen, learn and respond to the truth." Reverend Paul Scalia Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of Arlington