Rebecca and I are being offered a theater. 1
Penthouse of large old hotel 3
You asked to see my new iPhone. 5
Having given a successful speech. 7
We have decided to take a trip. 9
I'm working in a house. 13
I'm living in the room in the hospital 15
Okay I'm sitting at a table in a restaurant 17
I'm at the front table. 19
I'm in my bookstore and I realize. 21
I'm in a large hotel 23
A group of us are in opposition. 25
I am blowing my Tibetan Monk's Horn. 27
I'm moving through the rooms. 29
I am high in the mountains. 33
There is a new 4.51% tax. 35
I am driving a van, like an RV, quickly. 37
I did not have a Bar Mitzvah. 39
There is a little snake, 41
I understand that all reality. 43
A woman has a cardboard-colored. 45
Esme is on a college campus. 47
I had arrived at Tobias's. 49
I am a gnome, 51
In a huge conference hall 53
Shepherding dad. 55
Sam is a toddler. 57
I'm interacting remotely. 59
I am walking on the sidewalk. 61
A young woman has gone. 65
Curtis is standing in front of an easel 67
I am a member of the cast for a play. 69
I'm a member of SNL cast 71
I have been working at my laptop. 73
I'm in a car with a middle-aged, 75
There's a girl 77
I was helping to run. 83
I'm in a small sailboat 87
Intricate movie-like plot. 89
I awaken.. 91
Saturday, September 23 (my 64th birthday). 93
There are several young people. 95
I'm in the passageway. 97
Underground caverns. 99
Hosting an author. 101
Sarah and I are together. 103
Curtis is a big aficionado.. 105
Crouching in a cat-like position. 107
I'm having lunch. 109
Image of a book jacket 113
I'm dealing with a toilet. 115
I am talking with the manager of a fancy. 117
The Ardmore-Stollman dream.. 119
I have been involved in producing. 125
Rebecca and I have been climbing. 129
I am Katana. 133
Rebecca and I have been involved. 135
A lengthy, violent dream.. 137
I am the manager. 139
I have been participating in a secret 145
I've been helping run a large conference. 147
I am driving my van, 149
Coming from large parking garage. 151
I have crossed the street from the fancy. 153
Participating in protest rally, in India. 155
A new house-my young family. 157
I am in Melba Tolliver's apartment. 159
I see a video on my phone. 167
Driving down country road. 169
A road through a cut in a hill 171
Invisible wizard whipping invisible knight 173
In doctor's office, had to sit on stake. 175
I arrive at cash desk. 177
Renee is my landlord. 179
I am in my bookstore. 181
Watching film.. 183
I'm entering Phillipsburg. 185
Searching my bookstore. 187
January 1, 2025. I'm reading a social 189