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White Rose Maths Practice Journals Year 6 Workbooks : Pack of 30 - Mary-Kate Connolly

White Rose Maths Practice Journals Year 6 Workbooks

Pack of 30

By: Mary-Kate Connolly

Paperback | 7 January 2023

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From trusted publishers White Rose Maths and Oxford University Press this pack of homework books covers all your maths homework for Year 6. Each homework activity is matched to the teaching and learning taking place in White Rose Maths lessons each week. Homework tasks take 20-30 minutes to complete. The homework books use the same layouts, colours and language used in the White Rose Maths Workbooks - making them familiar and easy to access at home. You'll also find lots of great vocabulary tasks to support children's language in the maths classroom and beyond. As well as real world maths activities using items from around the home.This pack contains 30 copies of the Year 6 Practice Journal.

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