Since the first edition of Who Shall Live? (1974) over 100,000 students, teachers, physicians, and general readers from more than a dozen fields have found this book to be a reader-friendly, authoritative introduction to economic concepts applied to health and medical care. Fuchs provides clear explanations and memorable examples of the importance of the non-medical determinants of health, the dominant role of physicians in health care expenditures, the necessity of choices about health at the individual and societal levels, and many other compelling themes.Now, in a new introduction of some 8,000 words including new tables and figures, Fuchs, often called the "Dean of health economists", concisely summarizes the major changes of the past 37 years in health, medical care, and health policy. He focuses primarily on the United States but includes remarks about health policy in other countries, and addresses the question of whether national health care systems are becoming more alike. In addition to reviewing changes, the introduction explains why health expenditures grow so rapidly, why health spending in the United States is so much greater than in other countries, and what physicians need in order to practice cost-effective medicine.This second expanded edition also includes recent papers by Fuchs on the economics of aging, the socio-economic correlates of health, the future of health economics, and his policy recommendations for the United States to secure universal coverage, control of costs, and improvement in the quality of care. As was true of the first expanded edition (1998), this book will be welcomed by current students and life-long learners in economics, other social and behavioral sciences, medicine, public health, law, business, public policy, and other fields who want to understand the relation between health, economics, and social choice.
Industry Reviews
[This] comes at a critical time when the nation is anxious about the direction of health care. [Fuchs] has deftly re-established the context in which health policy decisions should be made. Policy experts and decision makers should pay attention to Fuchs' new edition. -- Leonard D. Schaeffer "University of Southern California"
[T]he issues Fuchs revisits...are even more salient today...he remains one of the wisest health policy thinkers as is apparent in new discussions of health care spending. I gave the first edition to medical students...Today, I'll do the same. -- Steven A. Schroeder "M.D., UC San Francisco"
Fuchs returns to and expands on themes that have earned him a well-deserved reputation as both a great health economist and the most insightful health policy analyst on the current scene... His proposal for health care reform remains the most attractive solution. -- Michael Grossman "CUNY Graduate Center"
Thirty-seven years ago, Vic Fuchs offered common sense, keen insights, and incisive data...about American health and health care...Every doctor, policy maker, and concerned citizen should listen...Vic Fuchs' Who Shall Live? Is for you. -- Richard Zeckhauser "Harvard University"
This is deservedly a classic book...Its analysis, accessibility, and lucidity of exposition are as fresh as four decades ago...There is a spiffy new introduction that gives Fuchs' reflections on the events of the intervening years . -- Joseph P. Newhouse "Harvard University"
This is simply the best book there is to introduce students and others to the issues about health services viewed from an economics perspective. It is accessible...rigorous analysis...[and] beautifully written - rare for an economist. -- Robinson Hollister "Swarthmore College"
Victor Fuchs is the most perspicacious, prolific, influential and durable of the small cadre of economists who founded the field of health economics...his analysis of health ...should be required reading for every state and federal legislator. -- Kenneth E. Warner "University of Michigan"
Who Shall Live? provided a seminal analysis of the health care system in the US...We [must] heed Fuchs' insightful understanding of the need to marry expansions in coverage with marked changes in the financing, payment, and organization of services. -- Stephen M. Shortell "UC Berkeley"