Acknowledgements | p. xi |
Preface | p. xiii |
Introduction | p. 1 |
Modernity's Tunnel | p. 7 |
Who's Right About Reality: Traditionalists, Modernists, or the Postmoderns? | p. 11 |
Modernity's Cosmological Achievement | |
Postmodernism's Fairness Revolution | |
The Traditional Worldview | |
The Great Outdoors and the Tunnel Within It | p. 23 |
Worldviews: The Big Picture | |
The Decisive Alternative | |
Weighing the Alternatives | |
Sweetening the Sour Apple | |
How Much Is at Stake | |
Conclusion | |
The Tunnel as Such | p. 42 |
The Flagship Book | |
The Tunnel in Question | |
A Disqualified Univers | |
Conclusion | |
The Tunnel's Floor: Scientism | p. 59 |
The Flagship Book | |
Tracking Scientism | |
Spinoza's Conatus | |
Of Rocks and Pebbles | |
From Warfare to Dialogue | |
Colonizing Theology | |
The Tilt of the Negotiating Table | |
The Tunnel's Left Wall: Higher Education | p. 79 |
The Flagship Book | |
What Happened | |
The Pull of Science on Other Disciplines | |
From Nonbelief to Disbelief | |
The Ineffectiveness of the Theological Response | |
The New Professionalism | |
Conclusion | |
The Tunnel's Roof: The Media | p. 103 |
The Flagship Book | |
Kansas Update | |
The General Picture | |
Who Pays the Piper? | |
Conclusion | |
The Tunnel's Right Wall: The Law | p. 121 |
The Flagship Book | |
Employment Division v. Smith | |
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act | |
Marginalizing Religion | |
Handling Creationism | |
Conclusion | |
The Light at the Tunnel's End | p. 135 |
Light | p. 137 |
The Physics of Light | |
Light Subjectively Experienced | |
Conclusion | |
Is Light Increasing: Two Scenarios | p. 145 |
God Is Dead | |
The Eyes of Faith | |
Clearing the Ground | |
Discerning the Signs of the Times | p. 154 |
Straws in the Wind | |
Counterculture and the New Age Movement | |
Four Modern Giants Revisited | |
Three Sciences and the Road Ahead | p. 174 |
Physics | |
Biology | |
Cognitive Psychology | |
Terms for the Detente | p. 187 |
A Glimpse of David Bohm | |
Science Rightly Defined | |
The Limits of Science | |
Division of Labor | |
The Cow That Stands on Three Legs | |
This Ambiguous World | p. 205 |
Life's Cosmic Inkblot | |
A Sidewise Glance at the Social Scene | |
The Big Picture | p. 213 |
The Great Divide | |
Subdivisions | |
A Hierarchical Reality | |
Topdown Causation and the Multiple Degrees of Reality | |
Return to the Inkblot | |
Spiritual Personality Types | p. 234 |
Characterology | |
Ubiquity | |
The Atheist: There Is No God | |
The Polytheist: There Are Many Gods | |
The Principle of One-Way Mirrors | |
The Monotheist: There Is One God | |
The Mystic: There Is Only God | |
Spirit | p. 255 |
The Self/World Divide | |
Tacit Knowing | |
Spirit and Its Outworkings | |
Consciousness and Light | |
Happy Ending | |
Epilogue: We Could Be Siblings Yet | p. 272 |
Index | p. 279 |
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved. |